Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Books & Blankets......WE LOVE to READ!

Books and Blankets! 
Today we had a wonderful time celebrating our LoVe for READING with "Books and Blankets".....each student was encouraged to bring four different things to read (books, magazines, comic books, etc.), healthy snacks, a blanket and a stuffed animal.  We spread out around the room and had so much FUN reading and munching on our healthy treats!  This was a great activity to wrap up our year together in First Grade.  The kids loved it & I loved seeing all of them excited about reading!

~ Only a few more days left until Summer Vacation is here!  Tomorrow is our T-Shirt Signing Party and Game Day!  Can't wait........

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day Project - Rock turned Ladybug! CUTE!

One of our Mother's Day projects!  We took large rocks and turned them into Ladybugs!  
First we painted the rocks with tempera paint and let it dry.  Then we use Sharpie markers to draw the line and dots on our ladybugs.  The students did all of the work and I hot glued the googly eyes on for the finishing touch.  We added our poem and there you go......project complete!  They turned out so cute and the kiddos were very excited to take them home.  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Soft C/Hard C & Soft G/Hard G Practice

We are going to be working on the sounds of C and G during Phonics next week!  Here is a freebie I created for my student homework packet that we send home each week.  Hope you like it!
Click the link below to get your freebie!
Soft C/Hard C & Soft G/Hard G Practice

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Field Trip to the ZOO!

We went to the San Antonio Zoo for our First Grade Field Trip!  With budget cuts throughout our District, we were THRILLED to be able to go on a Field Trip with our students!!!!  

We had a wonderful time at the zoo and had great Parent Volunteers that helped make our trip successful!  I LOVE my Parent Volunteers!  

My students were SO excited about going and they had an awesome day!  I got a few pictures before my camera died! Boo Hoo! :(  

It was a HOT know that in Texas, Summer starts in April!  It's been all kinds of HOT here lately!  My students were troopers, but it sure did wear them out!  It did make for a quiet bus ride home.....11 of my kiddos were sound asleep!  Zzzzzzzzz.........

Yea for peace and quiet!  HA!

When we returned from the zoo, we did some fabulous writing and I will post pictures of my student work samples very soon!